MPW Tool that interfaces to System 7's Folder Manager. For example, if you execute:
"FindFolder -desktop",
the tool will return the pathname of the desktop folder of the boot volume.
To get a complete description of the options, execute FindFolder with no options. Note that FindFolder exits with a non-zero status if the Folder Manager doesn't exist, so you can do something like:
FindFolder ╖ dev:null || <what to do if there's no Folder Manager>
to test if the Folder Manager exists from an MPW script.
Ñ GetHome:
MPW Tool that displays the "home" folder for a file. When you drag a file onto the desktop, the Finder sets this attribute so that the Put Away command will work.
Ñ RememberHome:
MPW Tool that sets the "home" folder for one or more files, to their current directory.
Ñ SafeDelete
MPW script that will safely delete files by throwing them into the trash (just as you might do from the Finder). The script simply moves the files into the trash folder of the appropriate volume. It also uses RememberHome so that you can "undelete" files from the Finder using the Put Away command.
Ñ ResolveAlias
MPW Tool that takes a pathname to an alias file, resolves the alias, and outputs
the result. Execute ResolveAlias to get a description of the options.